Euntes : Jurnal Ilmiah Pastoral, Kateketik, dan Pendidikan Agama Katolik 2024-02-05T11:31:29+07:00 Patrio Tandiangga Open Journal Systems <p>Euntes adalah jurnal ilmiah yang dikelola oleh Sekolah Tinggi Kateketik dan Pastoral Rantepao (STIKPAR) Toraja. Euntes berasal dari Bahasa Latin yang berarti pergilah. Selaras dengan nama Euntes, STIKPAR Toraja bergerak-pergi untuk berkomunikasi dengan masyarakat luas. Melalui jurnal ilmiah ini, STIKPAR Toraja mengomunikasikan imann, refleksi kristis atas iman dan kehidukan Gereja serta masyarakat yang menjadi locus pastoralis seluruh civitas academica STIKPAR Toraja.</p> KERUKUNAN DAN HORMAT DALAM ETIKA JAWA 2024-01-28T21:04:58+07:00 Matius Tukan <p><em>Javanese ethics is a combination of customs, worldview, values, and philosophy that is still very strong in Javanese society. Javanese ethics encompasses a moral life, where there is a conscience, and a sense of taste. Javanese ethics emphasises harmony that can be born from a process of acting in harmony and respect. The principle of harmony aims to maintain society in a state of harmony. Javanese pretence, “ethok-ethok”, is a technique that aims to maintain harmony even though feelings to the contrary are hidden. Harmony can also be achieved through the principle of respect, by speaking and carrying oneself always showing respect according to degree and position. Through the qualitative method, the author found an analysis that ethok-ethok action is teleological ethics, lying so that others are not angry</em>.</p> 2024-01-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Euntes : Jurnal Ilmiah Pastoral, Kateketik, dan Pendidikan Agama Katolik IMPLIKASI ETIS MENGIKUTI KRISTUS MENURUT YOHANES DAN PAULUS 2024-01-28T20:58:59+07:00 Michael Reskiantio Pabubung <p><em>Following Christ is a conscious choice made by Christian believers but it also has consequences in everyday life. Living in the world requires a set of guidelines like a corridor for acting properly with the aim of helping others and gaining personal meaning in life. This guideline is an ethics of life inspired by the prime source of faith and morals, namely the Holy Bible. Through qualitative research using narrative analysis techniques and limitations on the New Testament, this research analyzes writings related to John and Paul to gain ethical insights. John offers an ethic of radical love, while Paul offers an ethic of wisdom guided by the Holy Spirit. These two ethics become powerful when synergized with each other, especially in pastoral and catechesis.</em></p> 2024-02-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Euntes : Jurnal Ilmiah Pastoral, Kateketik, dan Pendidikan Agama Katolik MENAKAR KETERLIBATAN LANSIA DALAM HIDUP MENGGEREJA DI PAROKI SANTO PAULUS GE’TENGAN 2024-01-23T14:17:40+07:00 Antonius <p>Paroki Santo Paulus Ge’tengan adalah salah satu Paroki di Kevikepan Toraja Keuskupan Agung Makassar, yang memiliki umat kurang lebih 4500 jiwa. Keberadaan lanjut usia di Paroki ini tidak dapat dipungkiri, manusia akan masuk kepada usia tua, namun yang menjadi keprihatinan masih banyak lanjut usia yang sering kali tidak mendapatkan perhatian baik secara kelompok maupun secara individual baik dari pihak keluarga maupun pihak lembaga-lembaga sosial yang khusus memberi perhatian terhadap lanjut usia. Bahkan seringkali banyak orang menganggap bahwa keberadaan para lanjut usia menjadi beban karena tidak produktif lagi. Oleh karena keprihatinan itulah penulis ingin meneliti dan menyelidiki sejauhmana keterlibatan-sumbangsih hidup menggereja para lanjut usia di Paroki Santo Paulus Mengekendek. Tujuannya untuk mengetahui sumbangsih para lanjut usia dalam hidup menggereja; Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif, deskriptif observasional, peneliti memberikan gambaran atau deskriptif tentang keadaan para lanjut usia di Paroki Santo Paulus Mengekendek.</p> <p>Upaya peningkatan kualitas iman umat terus menerus dilakukan oleh Dewan Pastoral Paroki Santo Paulus Mengkendek secara menyeluruh, artinya bersama-sama membangun kualitas iman dengan melibatkan peran serta semua pihak termasuk memberikan perhatian dan pendampingan terhadap para lanjut usia.</p> <p>Sejalan dengan uraian di atas, maka di dalam memberikan perhatian dan pendampingan terhadap para lanjut usia harus mampu menghantarkan para lanjut usia pada kebahagiaan dan kesempurnaan hidup bahwa Gereja ada dan tetap eksis karena usaha dan perjuangan mereka juga. Dengan demikian hari kemarin, hari ini dan hari sesok adalah merupakan rangkaian waktu dan peristiwa yang tidak bisah dipisahkan.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> 2023-12-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Euntes : Jurnal Ilmiah Pastoral, Kateketik, dan Pendidikan Agama Katolik KESETIAAN: VISI KRISTIANI TENTANG PERKAWINAN YANG UTUH 2024-01-23T14:19:43+07:00 Dismas Kwirinus <p><em>The focus of this research discusses Fidelity: The Christian Vision of a Whole Marriage.</em> <em>Marriage is a form of human life desired by God.</em> <em>In the Catholic Church, marriage has a noble meaning because Christ himself is present in it.</em> <em>The basic attitude that husbands and wives need to always remember and realize is that the marriage they are in is noble and holy because it was created by God himself.</em> <em>The marriage that they share is a symbol of a divine secret, namely as a symbol of Christ's relationship of love to His Church.</em> <em>Awareness of the nobility and sanctity of marriage will enable them to balance the exposure to tempting internal and external problems.</em> <em>This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods and critical reading of texts.</em> <em>The results of this research are useful for helping married couples and Church officials to appreciate and preserve the noble values of Christian marriage, so that they can combat adultery which is now increasingly common in family life.</em></p> 2024-02-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Euntes : Jurnal Ilmiah Pastoral, Kateketik, dan Pendidikan Agama Katolik PENGARUH MISI GEREJA KATOLIK PASKA KONSILI VATIKAN II DI KEUSKUPAN KETAPANG 2024-01-23T14:16:20+07:00 Fransesco Agnes Ranubaya Yohanes Wilson B. Lena Meo Antonius Denny Firmanto <p>This study analyses the impact of the Second Vatican Council on the Catholic Church in Ketapang Diocese. The purpose of the study is to explain the mission movement, the history of changes in ecclesiastical structures, and the ecumenical principles introduced by the Second Vatican Council. The research method used is a literature study with a historical and narrative approach. The findings show that the Second Vatican Council has had a significant impact on the Catholic Church in Ketapang Diocese. The Church's mission movement is growing, reflected in the changing view of the relationship between the Church and the world, as well as between religions. Theological principles such as the teaching of love and respect for others have become central values in the Christian tradition. The Second Vatican Council also strengthened the role of the laity in the Church, underlining the responsibility of every member of the Church in mission. In addition, the Second Vatican Council opened the horizons of the Catholic Church of Ketapang Diocese in the context of mission to the whole world. The conclusion of this research confirms that the Second Vatican Council is not only a historical event of the Church, but also a source of inspiration that is relevant in facing today's challenges. The Catholic Church of Ketapang Diocese continues to strive to carry out the mission of Christ with a spirit inspired by the principles of the Second Vatican Council, maintaining theological integrity, and fidelity to Church teachings.</p> 2024-02-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Euntes : Jurnal Ilmiah Pastoral, Kateketik, dan Pendidikan Agama Katolik